
Inspiration and Information for Healthy Living

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What 90 Days Can Do For You

As I write this post, we are nearly 90 days into the year…how are you doing with the New Year’s Resolutions you set on January 1st? It’s often during January when we reflect on our goals and objectives for the … Continued

Counteracting the Cost of Convenience

Effort…we have heard that word before. Have you ever noticed that the more effort something takes the more satisfaction you get from completing the task at hand? Sixty years ago—even as little as thirty years ago—the average person did much … Continued

“I Feel (Skinny) Fat.”

Don’t you hate hearing someone say, “I feel fat,” only to look up and see that it’s a person who looks really skinny? Before you roll your eyes in disgust or make a snarky comment the next time this happens, … Continued